Be free.
Be curious.

Be an urban wonderer.


Have you ever come back from a trip and realized that you forgot to visit a particular monument or that you missed a monument with a singular history without even realizing it? Did you ever wonder what that monument was that you passed by every day on your way to work? Or if there were some "secret places" in your neighborhood you wouldn't want to miss?

Our starting point is simple: there is no way today to be warned when you have an opportunity to see a monument, a street or a place not to be missed. Indeed, no application offers to warn you when you pass by something that you would probably be interested in!

Those days are now over. We created "Urban Wonderer" and it will revolutionize city touring !


Our application replace your travel guide and allow you not to miss anything during your urban adventures. Thanks to this new application, when you come within a few steps of a monument or site (known or unknown), you will be warned by a notification on your smartphone.

For example, if you visit Venice, when you pass by the Doge's Palace, you will receive a notification giving you a historical presentation and an unusual anecdote about this monument. You will also be informed of less known, more secret places nearby.



Urban Wonderer is at the cutting edge of technology. We use the latest IOT innovations to provide the best possible service to our customers.


Learn in a fun, innovative and enjoyable way without following a pre-defined itinerary and by embracing opportunities.


Urban Wonderer is a free application for lovers of innovative exploration of our beautiful cities.


Innovation in urban touring

Urban Wonderer is a smartphone application that allows you to receive a notification when you pass by an interesting monument or site which you probably wouldn't see if you hadn't been warned. You will then receive a notification on your smartphone via the application.

More precisely, we are using proximity sensors that will capture your passage near the monument. And thanks to the recent IOT technologies, you will receive the notification on your smartphone without even realizing that you passed near the proximity sensor. This is a revolution !

Content of the notification

This notification will contain a short historical presentation of the monument and an original and unusual anecdote about it. Moreover, this notification will contain a link to a more detailed historical explanation and another link that will suggest more "secret" monuments to see nearby.

The aim is to firstly offer simple and fun explanations that are accessible to everyone and secondly to offer the possibility for those who would like to know more to go to the link that offers a more detailed explanation.

Construction of a database

Our ambition is to build our own database containing historical information about the monuments we offer. The main advantage of having our own database is the possibility to download it in advance and thus our clients will be able to avoid spending internet data when using the application.

In order to obtain the historical content, we will work in collaboration with history and art-history students who will be asked to find historical and unusual information on monuments in order to complete our database. We will then ask an expert to confirm the students' information and sources.

Choice of different modes

From a practical point of view, the application will propose several modes: the popular monuments, the original munuments & the typical streets in order to target the types of monuments/places you wish to encounter.

Ultimately, our goal is to add a touch of artificial intelligence that will allow us to add a personalized mode that will propose, according to your preferences, the monuments that interest you most in a city.

Funding of our application

We will finance our service through partnerships we will enter into with cities and monuments. We will charge a license fee to appear on the application. This will allow them to develop their potential clientele and we have no doubt that they will be interested.



Many more cities will soon be available. Stay tuned !